Timberline Estimating Training – Bid Day Emergency – File Won’t Open
I had an urgent support call recently from one of our Montana contractors who use Timberline Estimating. Here’s the scenario:
- It’s Bid Day, getting down to the last hour before the bid is due.
- The system kicked them out of the estimate, and when they try to reopen the file, they get an error the message: “Estimate is open on another computer or marked as Read Only.
Yikes! The good news is that this is easy to fix. Here’s how:
- Make sure EVERYONE is out of Timberline, (both Accounting and Estimating). This is important if you want the payroll checks to be correct next Friday!
- On the file where the estimate file resides, (usually the Server), open Services, and stop both the Pervasive Services. Then restart both.
- This 5-minute procedure will clear the “Read Only” flag and allow the file to be reopened.
With this simple procedure, Steve & his team were back up and running in just a few minutes, to close the bid successfully. The bid market is tough enough out there without computer problems!
Let us know if you have a question about Timberline Estimating bid files, and we’ll answer it for you and post it here.
We specialize in Timberline Estimating Training, give us a call.